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User: Easton Axel



Elements of a good research paper



Research papers are also known as term papers and they have multiple basic elements that I will outline for you. To write my essay, I used to follow the same pattern and include the same elements in my paper and I always hit the success line. So, you have to follow the same elements and you will be ready to stand for success. If you are interested in achieving success, read the elements mentioned.


Writing a research paper sounds difficult to many students because they think they have to push their limits on knowledge to write a good paper. But let me tell you one thing that it is a misconception. First, you do not need to go beyond your capacity, and secondly, research papers are easy to write if you know the basic elements. Do not let the word scare you because those who get scared cannot experience new things or concepts.


In every degree, you must have been given multiple research essays to write and the demands of the teacher may differ too. You must be wondering why every teacher has a different pattern of writing a research paper but believe me, you need to know the basics of the paper and you are ready to rock the floor. Everyone changes the pattern of the basic research paper and we think it's different and difficult.

  •         Title


It is very important to choose a topic which is different and debatable because every teacher is interested in reading and knowing something exceptional. It's better to choose some social issue or some political situation. After selecting a topic, choose unique words to make it a perfect title as it expresses the main idea of the paper.

  •         Cover Page


Do not forget to make a nice cover page because it is the first page of your whole research paper. It should contain basic information such as your name, instructor name, subject, institute name, and sometimes the author's notes as well.

  •         Abstract


It is the part that summarizes the whole paper and presents a small summary of the main idea. It tells the readers what they are going to read in the paper and what conclusion they can expect. Here are few things that you can include in the abstract

o   Objectives or research questions

o   Research methodology

o   How you collected data or sample population

o   Data results

o   Conclusion or main deductions

  •         Introduction


The introduction is very different from the abstract because it does not contain a summary of the paper. It introduces the main concepts of the topic and its background so that readers can understand the context. As an essay writer, you should also be careful that in the introduction you introduce the main concept and go into the historical background to trace out its history. You need to be creative and specific because it builds the flow of the paper.

  •         Literature review


A literature review is the most technical and critical part of the research paper. In this section, you are required to collect the previous data or literature on your topic and write it in an organized form. For this, you have to rely on authentic references and sources such as journals, government documents, or educational websites. You are not allowed to use any blog or be unauthentic. For the literature review, always look at the main points of sources such as;

o   Research questions

o   Methodology  

o   Sample population

o   Results

o   Research gaps

  •         Research methodology


In order to conduct the research, you have to apply some techniques with which you can conduct the research. For research, mainly two techniques are used which are qualitative research methodology and quantitative methodology.


In qualitative, you have to rely on the previous literature and articles available and you can take interviews as well. While in quantitative, you need to design surveys, questionnaires, interviews, and experiments.


 So, you need to mention which research method you have chosen for your paper. If you find difficulty in choosing the methodology section, you can always get help from an online essay writing service.  They can assist you in collecting your data and bring more clarity to your ideas.

  •         Result


Once you are done with all the data then you are ready to talk about the result. Mention everything that you have gained from surveying the collected data. Do not include your personal opinion because it will be considered a fallacy and inaccurate. Understand your findings and then write them down.

  •         Discussion


Now you have come to the point where you can mention what is the impact of the results you found and what they reflect. Is it in favor of the hypothesis you made or is it negating the findings of the previous research? You are always welcome to add your critique of other researchers as well. Give conclusions and recommendations as well because it will show what should be the possible approach towards the topic.

  •         Conclusion


Here you can add the whole summary of the paper. What did you find out? What effect does it have on the readers? What possible changes should be made in the domain of your topic? You kind of repeat things in the conclusion and avoid including anything new.


These are some of the basic points that you have to add to your research paper to make it exceptional and effective. Without these elements, your research paper is incomplete.




Useful Resources:




Effective Tips on Usage of abbreviations in Essays


Writing Tips to Sketch an Outstanding Definition Essay


Deductive Essay Writing - Purpose and Tips


Research Design - Writing Guidelines


Long Essay Writing - Helpful Guide


Short Essay Writing - Tips and Tricks


Argumentative and Reflective Essay - Easy Writing Tip


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